
  1. EKST Print Pilgrimage 2023-2024

    EKST Print Pilgrimage This programme has got off to a flying start with 10 EKST schools committed to this art project so generously supported by the Swire Charitable Trusts. We have workshops underway with all the schools collaborating and running joint sessions ably led by the EKST artist Kathryn McArdle. We are all very excited…

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  2. 19th October 2023- Cracking the code – the Genetics of Superheroes

    Simon Watt: Cracking the code – the Genetics of Superheroes (hosted by Kent College): Thursday 19th October    Simon Watt: Cracking the code – the Genetics of Superheroes   Comic books are filled with mutants; heroes and villains whose special abilities are genetic in their origin. But what are real mutants like, and could we…

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  3. Informal Launch of the EKST Print Pilgrimage Project- 11th October 2023

    EKST is delighted to confirm that this event will take place at the Daphne Oram Gallery at Canterbury Christ Church University- with many thanks to them for supporting EKST with this event. Incredible thanks to the John Swire 1989 Foundation for supporting EKST so that we can run this incredible project- which will culminate in…

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  4. #generationrestoration Oceans Day Pines Calyx Oct. 23

    EKST received some amazing feedback from students and staff concerning this fantastic day; with many thanks again to The Bay Trust and the Cleary Foundation for all their backing and support to make this happen. Students from Herne Bay High School, Spires Academy and St.Anselm’s were able to support this event. Here is some of…

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  5. Life Drawing Classes- First session 25th Feb 2023

    Many thanks to St. Edmund’s, one of our partner schools, for hosting and facilitating an amazing morning of Life Drawing for EKST students. Feedback: “Really well organised and well taught. It’s fantastic that you provide this opportunity to students within the EKST partnership.” Another wonderful session to follow and photos coming soon! ” Chose to…

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  6. Big Drama Day 2023

    Delighted to be able to run a Big Drama Day for EKST partner schools, kindly hosted by King’s in their amazing space at The Malthouse Theatre. Facilitated by the wonderful Drama department who helped bring all the students to create some fantastic work. We had a number of our schools attend with fantastic feedback on…

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  7. Big Chill 2023

    The Big Chill ran across 2 days organised by EKST and facilitated by some amazing artists, oracy, wellbeing, and outdoor specialists.  Many thanks too to Pines Calyx- an amazing place. We had some fantastic feedback from students and staff: Feedback from students:” I liked how we could speak about how we liked and disliked about…

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  8. ‘Our Shared Isolation’ art collaboration exhibition

    The ‘Our Shared Isolation’ art collaboration project concluded on Friday 25 June 2021 with an amazing exhibition installed at the Daphne Oram centre for Creative Arts at CCCU by Esther and the team at CCCU. The space looked amazing and the works reflected the incredible time, thought and creativity that students had given to this…

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