One Shared Isolation – project video two

Tuesday 9 February, 9:00am - Saturday 1 May, 9:00am
Esther’s second project video focuses on symbolism in ‘The Rainbow portrait of Queen Elizabeth I’ and ‘Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird by Frida Kahlo’Click here to watch. 
In this video Esther sets the next task and gives some examples of how you might approach it.  To accompany the video you will also find the worksheet (at the bottom of this page). In this worksheet you will be asked to make some studies of your symbolic object.  Once again, if you could email any images of your work to Esther by Thursday 18 February (which is during half term so gives you a bit longer) then she will be able to include them in her next video. Thank you so much to those who submitted images for this week’s video.
As always, do contact Esther (copying your teacher in) with any questions.

Worksheet 2. Picking Your Symbols